
Basic Example

The simple example code is in examples/basic_iframe. It is a simple javascript web application. Backend server is not required for the basic example. Webpacker server is used for development.

Quick Start

Start webpacker dev server
yarn start
# or
npm start

After start the webpacker, use your browser to point to https://localhost:8080 and trust the ssl certificate.

In your prosperworks web admin page, click the "Integration" in "Customize Prosperworks" section. Choose "Embedded Integration" tab and click "Add Integration" button. Give a name to the basic app and use "https://localhost:8080" as URL. In "Add to" section, choose at least one entity. Navigate to the entity page such as "Lead" and go to the detail view page, you should see the embedded app in right side panel.


The basic example source code includes index.html and app.js in src folder. You can change these files and add more files.

Steps to use the sdk
Initialize the sdk
import PWSDK from 'pw-app-sdk'
const sdk = PWSDK.init()
Use the sdk

Get context api example:

const context = await sdk.getContext()

Secure Example

The secure example code is in examples/secure_iframe. For secure embeddded application, prosperworks web application will send a POST request with JWT first to the iframe url. The embedded app should first get the public key from prosperworks and use the public key to verify the json web token.

Quick Start

The secure example use express based server side and webpacker client side.

Start server and client
yarn dev

You can also start server and client seperately.

start server
yarn server
Start client webpacker dev server
yarn client

In your prosperworks web admin page, click the "Integration" in "Customize Prosperworks" section. Choose "Embedded Integration" tab and click "Add Integration" button. Give a name to the basic app and use "https://localhost:8080" as URL. In "Add to" section, choose at least one entity. Navigate to the entity page such as "Lead". In the "Config Section", add {"verifyServer": true}. Go to the entity detail view page, you should see the embedded app in right side panel.


When the embedded app is configured as secure, it will receive a post request first with the json web token(JWT). The JWT is encrypted with prosperworks private key. To verfiy the JWT, you need to fetch the prosperworks public key first.

Fetch prosperworks public key
  const pwAccessToken = 'xxx';
  const pwUserEmail = 'xxxxx';
  const { data } = await axios({
    method: 'get',
    url: 'https://api.prosperworks.com/developer_api/v1/embedded_apps/public_key',
    Accept: 'application/json',
    headers: {
      'X-PW-AccessToken': pwAccessToken,
      'X-PW-Application': 'developer_api',
      'X-PW-UserEmail': pwUserEmail,

Next, verify the JWT with the public key in the POST handler.

app.post('/*', async function(req, res) {
  const token = req.body.jwt;
  jwt.verify(token, publickKey, { algorithm: ['RS256'] }, function(err, payload) {
    if (err) {
      //Invalid JWT, don't allow further access
    } else {
      //Valid JWT, render page

Your server side should only allow access if the JWT token is valid.

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